Publication details
1. Information under section 5 of the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz)
VNG Innovation GmbH
A company of VNG AG
VNG Innovation GmbH is a limited liability company under the Limited Liability Company Act (GmbH-Gesetz) with its registered office at Braunstr. 7, 04347 Leipzig, entered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Leipzig under number HRB 31465.
Sales tax identification number (section 27a of the Sales Tax Act, Umsatzsteuergesetz):
Authorised representatives:
Dr. Andreas Fritz
Mailing address:
Braunstr. 7
04347 Leipzig
Contact details:
Telefon: +49 341 443-5003
2. Additional information
Person responsible for the content under section 18 para. 2 of the State Media Treaty (MStV): Dr. Andreas Fritz, business address Braunstr. 7, 04347 Leipzig.
3. Legal notice
Content of this website
The content of this website has been created with the greatest possible care. However, VNG Innovation GmbH does not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness or currency of the content provided. As a content provider, VNG Innovation GmbH is responsible for its “own content”, which it makes available for use, in accordance with general legislation under section 7 (1) of the Telemedia Act. However, under sections 8 to 10 of the Telemedia Act, VNG Innovation GmbH is not required to monitor information transmitted or stored or to investigate circumstances that indicate unlawful activity. As soon as VNG Innovation GmbH becomes aware of specific breaches of the law, it will remove or block this content immediately. The obligation to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legislation remains unaffected.
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Photo copyrights
Header © everythingpossible –
Stages of green plant growth in the blue pot © artinspiring –
©Manja Schiemann – Aliado UG
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4. Privacy policy
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